Life is a gift
Life is a gift. Made up of many, many gifts. Some are tiny, some are huge, and they all add up to something extraordinary...
Most of my mornings these days start with half an hour in the garden, picking up raspberries. Each of them is a jewel, a little treasure found under the leaves: a gift. At first it was all about finding just enough for my morning smoothie (yum!) then one day I brought home a whole cup, and now it's a whole bowl.
“Gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”
Little by little, amidst the birdsong and the rustling leaves, I've noticed myself humming... then singing... then chanting words of gratitude, as though each little berry represented a gift I am grateful for. It's all about taking the time. Noticing. Appreciating. You may not start with much (3 is good!), but little by little, the gifts will come, and grow. Into a whole bowl of thanks.
Tell me, what are three things you are grateful for today?
*** EDIT: I’m blown away by the response to this simple question and here are the answers I have received. They fill my heart to the brim and I couldn’t possibly keep such a gift to myself, so I’m delighted to share it with you! Let yourself feel inspired… ***
“I’m grateful that I got to witness the morning sky with beautiful sweeps of pink clouds. I’m grateful that my dog is there to be with me each day. I’m grateful that the weather has gotten a bit cooler and has the feel of fall in the air...just a little bit, but welcomed!
For two healthy hands, a sheltering home and family, and the ability and courage to follow my creative impulses.
Smelling the jasmine that’s just started to bloom in our garden (it’s the end of winter here in Sydney). Sitting in the warm sun in the park and looking at the blue sky through the trees. The love of good friends I’ve known most of my life.
Love and support of my husband. The sun shining on my roses. Security.
My funny cranky cat, who lays on my bed next to me every morning while I drink coffee, then tries to nip me when breakfast is not served fast enough. Makes me laugh. The sweet little baby koi, that appeared in my pond after years of no babies. Starting my day reading one or two articles in Bella Grace which is always filled with inspiration and joy.
My beautiful son and my furry four legged family, six cats and a dog. I love them all to bits! My Job. I’m an English language teacher and have felt very privileged to be part of my wonderful student’s lives. I love teaching and am extremely grateful at 67 to still be able to do that. My garden and especially in the months of lockdown I have been so very grateful for that as I have always been a nature lover.
The sunshine. My early morning swim in the sea. My cat.
First, I am so grateful for your wonderful courses. I have just been doodling in my sketchbook and this lovely little bird turned up.
Second, I am grateful that lockdown has treated me more kindly than many. I have taken up running, not only kept my job but been promoted, and have been leading online creative courses of my own. Thirdly, I am sitting here listening to some beautiful music on Spotify, and am very grateful to all those talented singers and songwriters who are enriching my day.
I Am blessed for be-ing alive and healthy. I Am grateful for my family, friends, community and all living creatures. I Am grateful to the Earth for providing to all our needs and desires.
I am thankful for the music of the birds, I am grateful for that first cup of coffee in the morning, I am grateful for God.
Family and health are certainly my top two. But how then do I include all the precious moments and little, or big, successes I feel everyday? Magical gifts. Sunsets, a watercolor wash that behaves itself, my furry companion Brinkley, rescued at eight years of age. Connections with life long friends and those new friends met only virtually but who fit like a glove. My home, a feeling of safety and security. Pride in those who serve and the feelings I get when I see our flag rippling in a soft breeze. And the ripples of our oceans, lakes, streams with mountains and waterfalls as companions.
New art supplies trying to find room in a crowded kitchen studio. Unspoken thoughts and memories that bring smiles or maybe even a tear. Life is so enormous and I’m thankful I can enjoy it.
A lovely email from you, which, when I read I hear it in your sweet, soothing voice. A cup of hot, refreshing, Happy Me tea with a slice of Apple Mincemeat pie I baked yesterday, for breakfast. A beautiful, perfect Autumn day to spend in my garden, clearing away and tidying up after the two storms earlier this week
I am grateful for a soft rain falling after weeks and weeks of 30+C temps. I am grateful that I have the finances to enroll in Wanderlust 2021 and learn more from you. I am grateful for a bountiful garden despite the blistering heat.
My daughters, my sisters, our God.
I’m grateful for time with my Mom (she is in hospice nearing end of life from Alzheimer’s disease). For my bravery to find/start a new job during the pandemic (I believe timing is divine, but I wish I had done it sooner!). For connections with friends near and far, (some like yourself I’ve never met in real life, but feel like I have)
I’m grateful for my beautiful home, an amazing family and my creative nature. And I’m grateful for artists like you who are sharing their talent and wisdom.
My family. A windy day. A drop of rain. Fresh coffee. A gentle hug. A smile. Sounds of laughter
I’m grateful that we finally got some rain here!!
Buddhist Practice, my husband and family including the furry ones.
Family and being included. Living in a beautiful part of the world and where politics has little affect personally. Art in my life.
Hummingbirds, Sunshine and especially Hubby.
I’m so grateful for good health, my family and friends support and for the luxury I have to indulge in art.
We are coming into spring here(New Zealand) and around my cottage are lots of heavenly freesias, all different colours, their perfume is gorgeous. Yesterday I painted a triple grafted plum tree : Billington, Omega and Black Doris plums, now I have something long term to look forward to.
Grateful for my morning routine that gives me a calm and enjoyable start to the day despite the stress of my husband’s ill health. The ingredients are coffee in bed, accompanied by my dog and cat, surrounded by my beautiful plants. The morning sun on their richly patterned leaves gives me such joy.
Definitely to have health and vitality. Hope for a better future. My tribe who keep me inspired and on track in these very unusual times.
HEALTH, where I live (Oregon) and creativity.
Cat cuddles on a cool morning, freshly laundered sheets, and a hot cuppa (or two) as I watch old episodes of Vera and check my email.
Grateful for the hike I took in nature today, the sweet/sour taste of a kiwi, and comfy new sweat pants.
My belief in God and all things beautiful, my family and friends, and the beautiful creative gifts to enjoy nature and share my gifts with others.
I am grateful for health for myself and my family, I am grateful for love, I am grateful for art.
My lovely husband who at 87 is recovering well from a new hip operation and my lovely and supportive family. My little paradise of a home on the Canal in Oxford. The ability to paint and draw and still enjoy it.
Thankful that my cousin in Cedar Rapids Iowa is now safe and sound after her city was demolished from the Derecho storm.
I am grateful for the late summer sun. The gentle warm breeze. The cherry tomatoes from the garden.
My glorious morning walk. The birds singing their beautiful songs. The little squirrels running about
I am grateful to live beside the Pacific Ocean, walk the beach everyday, see the sunrise and sunset, follow the moon and tide cycles. I am grateful for my children who are now 30 and 26!!!
Today I’m grateful to the barn owl who left a primary wing feather on my studio doorstep. I’m grateful we had a great visit with my sister and her family yesterday and had a safe trip home. I’m grateful for the wonderful rain shower we got today.
That my husband (who has cancer) is still alive and we are enjoying life in an altered way. Our friends, who have been so supportive. Today is a lovely summer day!
My family, my friends and my dog Maggie, just to name a few.
Time and a place to create, my husband, my little dog Sulley.
Seeing the sunrise. Seeing the raindrops on the banana plant leaves in my garden . Looking forward to going for a swim with a friend.
...sunshine after days of poor weather, cuddles with my cats....and homemade trifle for breakfast.
Grateful for reading these mindful words. Grateful for the beauty in our midst. Especially grateful for those near and dear to me.
I’m grateful for my home where I feel safe and comfortable. I’m grateful for my family, we soon will have a new daughter-in-law, and we are just thrilled. I’m grateful for the ability to create art in my style and am glad I can say without hesitation I am an artist! ”
I feel so honored and grateful that you shared your beautiful words with me. Keep seeing the beauty in your life!
Light & Love,
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