Is your creative life
one step away from
taking flight?
Contact Me
Please feel free to reach out for any inquiry regarding artwork, collaborations and other projects, as well as administrative questions (registration & payment, gifting a class to a friend, class login etc.) or simply good vibes!
Before you get in touch, make sure you check out my FAQs in case I can answer your question straight away!

Frequently Asked Questions
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How do your classes work?
Each class is designed as an enjoyable experience and a personal journey. The lessons and exercises build upon each other, from warm-up activities to in-depth, completed projects.
My online classes are workshops meant for your own pleasure and creative fulfilment. They’re not academic classes. There are no assignments to submit, no grades, no schedule, no certificates of completion, no live conferences. They’re simply a space of freedom and creativity for you to explore and enjoy.
I share my own process as authentically as possible so that in turn, you can be inspired to build your own creative practice in a way that’s true to you and works well for you. I hold nothing back and you’ll be able to see how I deal with challenges and creative blocks as much as joy and happy accidents. My hope is that you feel like you’re right next to me in the studio!
To me, the path of the artist is an emotional and spiritual journey where following our hearts and the whispers of our souls comes before art concepts like color theory. That’s why my classes always involve an element of mindfulness, like taking the time to breathe, journaling, setting an intention, expressing gratitude, learning to trust your intuition, welcoming serendipity and setting up your space in a way that supports your creativity.
My classes are e-courses, hosted online, and members get an individual, private account to access all their classes on my teaching platform.
All classes are self-study and self-paced. There’s no schedule to comply with, no “catching up” or “falling behind”, ever. The classes have lifetime access (as per our terms of service, "lifetime" means for the lifetime of the program). The videos are pre-recorded, so you can watch them at your own pace, whenever you want, and as many times as you wish. It’s up to you to find the rhythm that suits you best. Make time regularly to complete your course. It’s a gift you’re giving yourself!
Mixed media painting is a creative process that allows you to freely combine a whole variety of techniques and materials like paint, collage, drawing, doodling, paper, fabric, found objects and even words! Above all, I love that it’s super playful and forgiving, allowing you to get magical results even if you’re a beginner or if you believe that you have zero painting or drawing skills (drawing is completely optional!). Working in layers means that any “mistake” is always fixable: just cover it up with more paint or collage! All you have to do is embrace the playfulness to reconnect to the childlike joy of creating and getting happily messy.
Art journaling: The process I teach in my art journaling classes is mixed media art journaling. It’s a very intuitive and freeing form of self-expression that allows you to make art just for you, in the intimacy of a journal. You can be truly yourself and freely express your thoughts, emotions, stories, memories, dreams, wishes and anything your soul is longing for. We use the same techniques for art journaling and mixed media painting, so it’s easy to practice both!
I’m a self-taught artist and a certified creativity coach, and I teach in a heart-centered, non-academic way. You’ll see me in action in my own authentic process and I’ll guide you to explore your own world, stories and imagination. All my classes aim at bringing you closer to your most authentic creative voice.
The classes are full of my personal techniques, some of which I’ve learned and pass on in my own ways, others that I’ve discovered through happy accidents and experimentation.
I also offer plenty of creative tips and strategies to make your practice unique, overcome your blocks and challenge yourself to gently expand your comfort zone.
To know if a class will be the right fit for you, see the “help me choose a class” section and above all, trust your intuition. If it feels exciting and stirs your curiosity, if it resonates in a way that feels really good, that feels like joy, like home, or like a big good sigh and a smile... then it most certainly is for you. Let your inner artist guide you!
If, on the other hand, you’re looking only for technical instructions, or for an academic class where you submit work and get detailed feedback and critique, then this is not the right place.
If you’re not comfortable with words like soul, intuition, intention, mindfulness, affirmation, magic, or if seeing me draw an oracle card for inspiration makes you cringe… then my classes are probably not for you.
If in doubt, I encourage you to start with one of my free lessons to see if my teaching style resonates with you. Please note that refunds will not be made after registration for a paid class.
Yes, they are! I believe that the beginner’s spirit is a true gift, and all the projects in my classes are doable. Of course, there’ll be a learning curve if this is completely new to you. Commitment and perseverance are key when we start to follow our creative dreams, and "mistakes" are a good thing, because they’re the best way to learn. Trust, self-compassion and a spirit of adventure are super important, and practice is the key!
I also strongly encourage you to participate and share what you create in the Classroom Community forum and the Facebook group, where you’ll be encouraged by other beginners and seasoned artists alike. When you see others who are more advanced on their journey, let this inspire you and give you faith that you'll get there too. We all need to start somewhere and my classes have lifetime access so you can take the time to learn at your own perfect pace and go back to the lessons over and over again. My hope is that taking a class with me gives you a solid foundation for your creative practice, so you can grow your wings from a place of truth and authenticity.
Yes! There are many seasoned and professional artists in my classes and I’d be honored to have you with us. In my lessons, I always share my authentic process, artist to artist. I hope that my classes will open you up to new possibilities, new ideas and inspiration for the next steps in your artistic journey.
Yes. We have a private community forum within the classroom site where I check in once a week to answer questions and see what you’ve shared! Of course, I also do my best to offer as much information as possible within the class videos, text and other resources. Don’t hesitate to watch twice and pause the videos! The other participants will also be able to help you.
Please keep in mind that the classroom site is the place where all the teaching takes place. I will not answer individual questions by email or direct messaging, nor in the Facebook group. The Classroom Community forum is accessible directly from within the menu of the classes.
I'm happy to answer questions within the Classroom Community forum but I will not offer detailed individual feedback or critique, which would be a whole other service than an e-course. My online workshops are not academic classes where you’re expected to submit your work to be reviewed by the teacher. This wouldn't fit with the way I approach art and teaching.
There’s a deeply personal relationship between you and your art, and inviting others to interfere can turn out more disruptive than useful, leaving you with even more doubts, and less self-reliance. Asking for others’ opinions online is especially tricky because you invite mostly unknown people to make a quick judgment on your work, based on a tiny picture with inaccurate colors that they’ll see for just a few seconds amidst so many other things, and most importantly, with a very faint idea of who you really are and the journey you and the artwork have been through together. That's why I encourage you to pause and think twice before inviting anyone (including me) to tell you what to do with your art.
Yes and no. We’re all artists in this community and my goal, as a teacher, is to help you discover YOUR OWN style and make YOUR OWN original art. I also believe that having healthy boundaries and standing up for our work is important. Therefore:
If the art you create from my classes ends up being very personal and visually different from mine, then YES, of course, you can exhibit and sell it. Well done!
If the pieces you create are quite similar to my own personal style and the projects I demonstrate, then NO, it’s not ok to exhibit/sell them either offline or online as your own personal creations. They’re just a part of your learning journey.
You’re welcome to share pictures of these learning pieces on your blog or social media, as long as you credit me and link back to www.lalymille.com
You can freely share pictures of your "in process" and finished artworks in our private community forum and private Facebook group.
It's OK to share a few "in process" pictures publicly on social media or your blog etc. but please make sure to only share a glimpse, not the whole process.
Remember that the contents of my lessons are all copyrighted materials, just as much as the artworks themselves. Therefore, it’s NOT OK to share full or partial step-by-step pictures, instructions or videos (timelapse or otherwise) showing the processes I teach in class. In cases of deliberate copyright infringement, the member's account will be suspended and we’ll take any legal action necessary.
It’s definitely NOT OK to teach and advertise workshops based on my classes, whether live or online, without my express, written permission.
If you're not sure about sharing something, then it's probably your intuition telling you that you shouldn’t. You can of course email me and ask me directly. I'll do my best to help. I trust your common sense and integrity.
Of course! We have the most vibrant, positive and encouraging online community, and we can't wait to welcome you!
You can share photos of what you create, and connect with others in the Classroom Community forum within the classroom site.
You can also connect with fellow participants of all my classes in our private, optional Facebook group “Laly’s Atelier”.
We also have Instagram hashtags to help participants find each other on this platform.
Practical & technical details
First, make sure to add laly@lalymille.com, admin@lalymille.com and lalymille@c.kajabimail.net to your email contacts to make sure that messages for your class safely reach your inbox.
You’ll first receive a confirmation email as soon as you sign up. Then:
If the class has instant access, you’ll receive your login instructions shortly after registration, together with an invitation to join the Facebook group. Please make sure to keep this email for future reference.
If the class starts on a specific date, you’ll receive your login instructions and Facebook invitation when the class starts.
Login instructions will be sent to the email you used during registration. If you need to update your contact email after, you can do so by clicking on the "preferences" link at the bottom of any of our emails or by writing to William at admin@lalymille.com
If you register for a class that’s already started, you’ll receive your login instructions within 48hrs.
If it's the first time you’re taking one of my classes, you’ll be prompted to create a password for your account. If you’re a returning student, the class will be automatically added to your existing member account, provided that you’ve used the same email address when registering.
For most of my classes, you get lifetime access to the classroom and videos. "Lifetime" technically means for the lifetime of the program. If we were to retire a class (which so far has never happened), we’d give you several months' notice so you have plenty of time to complete the lessons. You can watch the videos within the classroom as often and as many times as you wish.
To protect the integrity of our content (and all the work that went into creating it) the videos are not downloadable. Therefore, before signing up, please make sure that your internet connection allows you to smoothly stream high resolution videos online. Refunds will not be made after registration.
There’s a list of suggested supplies for each class. You DON’T need everything on the list. On the whole, these are the supplies I use most regularly:
A basic set of acrylic supplies including some acrylic paints, inks, gesso and matte gel medium.
A few paintbrushes, including a medium-sized flat brush for collage.
A variety of materials to stamp and make marks with. Some of my favorite options are bubble-wrap and a plastic card.
Collage materials: Magazine pages, tissue paper, packing paper, book pages, sheet music, sewing pattern paper, old clothes, ribbon, lace... You don't need to buy anything, ask around to your friends and family!
Some substrates to create on (depending on the projects): An art journal, stretched canvases or wood panels. Wood, MDF and shelving left-overs from your DIY store are great, inexpensive options.
A camera (nothing fancy, the one on your phone is fine). This is great to document your process and look at your art from a different perspective.
I’ll always encourage you to experiment and use whatever supplies you already have. Only purchase what you feel is really necessary or what you feel strongly attracted to.
Please be aware that the lessons often have multiple images and videos. To avoid slow loading time, please comply with the following guidelines:
A desktop computer or laptop is best. Alternatively, you can use a tablet.
Whatever your device, make sure it’s up-to-date, in good working order and with no content restrictions (parental control, anti-popup etc.).
A high-speed internet connection, preferably Wifi (not cellular), strong enough to smoothly stream high resolution videos.
The latest version of your browser installed on your device. We recommend Chrome or Firefox. Students have reported issues with Apple Safari.
Make sure your browser is set to accept all cookies. Cookies allow our system to recognize you as a member.
The internet isn’t a perfect world and temporary glitches may happen that we’re not responsible for. The first thing to do is be patient and respectful.
If you’re having difficulty loading a lesson page or video, make sure to clear your cache and cookies, check that no other apps are running in the background (updates, cloud storage/dropbox syncing, etc.), check your cookie settings and internet connection, close and restart your browser, deactivate any browser extensions like ad blockers etc., log out of the class, then log back in. Make sure you’re using one of the recommended browsers (currently Chrome and Firefox) and have a strong internet connection.
If, after trying all of the above, you’re still having trouble accessing the class, contact us by email at admin@lalymille.com and we’ll check that there are no issues on our side. On extremely rare occasions, our website host might be running an update and suspending the service for a short time. We’re not responsible for this and it’ll usually be resolved within a few hours. Remember that the classes are self-paced with lifetime access so there’s no rush. Why not take advantage of this time to paint?
Please understand that an issue on our side would affect all users. If other participants are able to access the class as usual, then it means that our service is running smoothly and the problem isn’t happening on our end. We may be able to offer helpful suggestions but we can’t take responsibility for individual technical issues.
You can check the price conversion with online tools such as xe.com. It fluctuates slightly from day to day. You’ll see the correct price in your own currency at checkout on Paypal or Stripe.
No. All sales are final. Due to the nature of online classes, once you sign up you immediately get access to the whole content. Therefore, no refunds will be issued after you register. Please make sure you understand and agree to our Terms of Service and our Privacy Policy before signing up.
In particular, before you register, please make sure that your internet connection allows you to smoothly stream high resolution videos online. The videos are not downloadable and we’re not responsible for individual technical issues. No refunds will be made.
If any unexpected life issue prevents you from taking the class as you’d planned, remember that you have lifetime access and the class will be ready for you whenever you are. If you don’t think you’ll ever be able to take the class you’ve purchased, contact us and we can discuss transferring it to a friend. No refunds will be made.
If you have questions before signing up for a class and you don't find the answer here or on the class description page, feel free to email us at admin@lalymille.com. We’ll do our best to reply to you within 48 hours (Monday to Friday).
If you’re already enrolled, please post your art-related questions in the Classroom Community forum in the corresponding topic. This is the only place to ask me your questions. I won’t answer individual questions by email, through private messaging or on Facebook.
For administrative or technical questions (login, email not received, billing, payment plan, invoices, etc), please contact us by email only at admin@lalymille.com. Don’t post these in the Facebook group, through messenger or in the classroom forum. We will reply to you within 48 hours (Monday to Friday). Please note that we’re located in France so there might be a little time zone difference!
Help me choose a class!
To know if a class will be the right fit for you, start by trusting your intuition: Iif it feels exciting and stirs your curiosity, if it resonates in a way that feels really good, that feels like joy, like home, or like a big good sigh and a smile... then it most certainly is for you! Let your inner artist guide you.
All my classes can be done by beginners and you’ll never need advanced drawing or painting skills. I teach in a heart-centered, non-academic and non-intimidating way that’ll encourage you to grow your artist wings every step of the way. The following classes are especially great for beginners:
Flower Flow is my very best class to get started with mixed media painting and learn my favorite techniques. Each lesson starts with a short warm-up and mini series to help you build your confidence before moving on to a larger canvas. As you explore different styles, you’ll also learn about key elements of art like color, light, contrast, texture and composition. Flowers are the most forgiving subject and you’ll quickly get some beautiful results. Get ready to surprise yourself!
The Artist & the Journal is my most comprehensive and beginner-friendly class to discover art journaling and make it a regular practice in your life!
Wild Roses is a shorter floral class where you’ll learn one of my favorite, most forgiving techniques to paint flowers.
Mini Abstracts is a wonderful set of short lessons where you’ll create several small series of work and discover a whole variety of techniques and styles. It's especially great if you don't feel ready to paint on a canvas yet.
In my classes, I like to share a whole variety of styles, to help you discover your own. I also encourage you to explore your inner world, your personal sources of inspiration, your stories and imagination, so you can create art that's meaningful and true to you:
Soulful Abstracts is my very best, most in-depth class when it comes to finding your personal style. No matter if you want to be an abstract artist or not, playing with abstract is a wonderful opportunity to loosen up and try new things. The lessons build upon each other as I guide you to explore your unique art language: Your color palette, mark-making style, textures, personal symbols and stories, all the way to finding titles for your art! The lessons will stretch you to explore and experiment with lots of exercises and activities, then practice through mini studies and creating in a series, before moving on to larger pieces.
Layers of Light is a wonderful class if you're feeling the need to slow down and approach your creative process with more mindfulness. It has plenty of inspirational "inner work" to help you tune into your soul, your light, and create from there. Each lesson includes creative activities like journaling and photography, to encourage you to explore the world around you and the inner world of your imagination. It was my very first online class and is still super popular among my students!
Flower Flow is the perfect class if you're a beginner who wants to try out different styles from the get-go, to help you discover your own.
In my experience, one of the best ways to find and deepen your authentic voice as an artist, is to keep an art journal! I teach absolutely everything I know about the magical practice of art journaling in The Artist & the Journal.
In my personal practice, I find that the two processes really complement each other. The mixed media techniques and supplies used are very similar.
In The Artist & the Journal, I’ll teach you everything you need to make art journaling a fulfilling, life-long practice that nurtures your soul and fuels your creativity. You’ll discover a mindful and intimate way to create, which will not only help you grow as an artist, but also give you the creative self-care you're craving.
If you're longing to paint to your heart's content and discover a whole variety of styles and techniques, my best two classes are Flower Flow and Soulful Abstracts. In both classes you’ll create plenty of mini series as well as larger canvases. You’ll end up with a whole body of beautiful artworks to be proud of!
You've come to the right place! I’ve created plenty of shorter classes to get your creative juices flowing:
Fill your journal with Art Journal Journeys, a set of three dreamy, stand-alone lessons that’ll awaken your imagination! Hiding Places will give you lots of fun and whimsical ideas, and Dear Jane is perfect for all the romantics out there. In each class, you’ll discover new techniques and ideas to use again and again!
Create beautiful and meaningful artworks with stand-alone painting classes: Celebrate your creative wings in Rise, create gorgeous abstract florals in Wild Roses and paint an imaginary landscape in True North Star.
Discover dimensional techniques that’ll widen your artistic horizon with Woven Dreams and Little Book of Whispers.
Not in the mood to make art? Get back in the flow with some delightful projects: Make a beautiful mess as you create a whole stash of unique collage materials in Poetic Papers, or play with watercolors as you create a super inspiring card deck in Art Flow Cards!
No matter which class you choose, my wish is to help you to connect to your creative self, trust yourself more and more and find joy in making art!
Where can I buy your art?
From time to time, I’ll list a small collection of original artworks for sale. Original pieces usually sell out quickly, so be sure to join my Email List to be first to know!
I’m in the process of setting up an online shop for art prints. It might still take several months before it’s up and running, so be sure to join my Email List to be first to know when it opens!

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Let’s be friends!
You can follow what’s going on in my creative world here: