Mini Abstracts

Mixed Media Painting in a Series

Discover the endless possibilities of mixed media layers as you create imaginative art series!

Portrait collage of artist Laly Mille with bird

What if...

  • you could step into a world where every brushstroke or splash of color tells a story unique to you? A world where your artistic style is not confined by rules or expectations?

  • you could discover a painting process that’s approachable, fun and forgiving? A process that makes you feel so confident and satisfied with your art, that you’ll wonder why you ever doubted your abilities?

  • you had access to a mentor who could demystify it all? Someone to guide you, stroke by stroke, as you discover your unique style through the magic of abstract mixed media?

Keep reading because I have the class for you!

Click the video to see inside the class!

icon with metal button and pink heart

 Have you ever seen an abstract artwork and thought:

“I’d love to learn that technique and style.”

Maybe you're at home, surrounded by blank canvases and colorful paints, scrolling through your social media feed, and there it is — a captivating array of abstract artworks, each piece bursting with creativity and vibrancy.

And you wonder…

Colorful mini abstract painting series in yellow, green, pink and blue.


… create these mesmerizing abstract artworks?"

The layers, the colors, the textures and techniques — it all seems like pure magic.

Mixed media abstract landscape painting in progress on a table with art supplies and black ink.


… art supplies, but my creations never match up to what I envision."

It feels like a waste of time, money and creative energy.

Blue mixed media abstract collage with tree branches.


… the skills and guidance to craft something so unique."

The desire to create is there, but you're lacking the roadmap and secrets to bring your art to life.

Artist Laly Mille standing by a pink door in her garden

Hi, I’m Laly Mille

My deepest wish is to help artists like you find your creative voice.

Join me in “Mini Abstracts” to explore the beauty of mixed media layers and dive into a world of endless creativity!

This collection of self-paced online workshops offers instant, lifetime access, allowing you to embark on a transformative journey whenever inspiration strikes.

Let’s explore plenty of different themes and delightful techniques, and create a whole body of art together!

 Join The Journey!

88 USD / 88 EUR

3+ Hours Of Video Lessons    Self-paced Online Art Class    Instant, Lifetime Access    Private Community Forum


Vintage butterfly on paper collage.

The Lessons

Mini Abstracts is composed of 4 stand-alone projects + a bonus video.

That means you’ll experience a range of different ways to explore abstract art to find the ones you connect with best!

Green mixed media landscape series on paper by Laly Mille

 Project 1: Imaginary Landscapes

This project is a great introduction to the main elements of your personal “art language”:

  • your signature color palette

  • your favorite textures

  • your personal mark-making, and

  • the compositions that work best for you.

I’ll show you how a page from my inspiration journal becomes the starting point for a beautiful series of abstract landscapes, where all these different elements come together harmoniously.

Red mixed media landscape series on paper by Laly Mille

Project 2: Color Challenge

What if you could gently expand your comfort zone and become more confident with color?

In this workshop, you're invited to choose a color and explore it in an abstract series.

I encourage you to choose a color that feels good and exciting, but maybe also a little intimidating!

In this lesson, you’ll see me make friends with red, and then I’ll share more series in pink, yellow and dark blue. Why not create a series in every color of the rainbow?

Roses mixed media series on table with magazine

Project 3: From Magazine to Abstract

If you wonder how to develop a unique and personal style, the best tip I can give you is to look within and follow your inner compass: pay attention to what attracts your eye in everyday life, what resonates with your soul, what instantly feels like you... and it can be as easy as flipping through your favorite magazine!

In this project, I'll show you how small pieces from a magazine can become the starting point for some small paintings with a cohesive color palette. Mine ended up as abstract florals and it works with any theme of your choice too!

Colorful series of mini mixed media paintings with hearts.

Project 4: Tiny Art, Big Magic

To me, art is pure magic. With just a little bit of paint and collage, we can create on the canvas (or in this case, tiny bits of paper) what our souls are longing for: love, gratitude, hope, courage and more.

When you infuse your art with an intention, when you literally embed good vibes into the layers, then what you create becomes so much more!

This is what we're going to do together in this workshop where we’ll create "twinchies", tiny artworks infused with big magic and love.

Hilly mixed media abstract landscape canvas on a table with art supplies.

 Bonus: Landscapes On Canvas

This one is less of a lesson and more of a “behind the scenes” timelapse video, where you get to be in the studio with me as I create a whole series over several days!

You’ll be able to watch 4 small canvases and 1 larger painting come to life simultaneously, and turn into dreamy abstract landscapes!

Combining soft colors with vintage materials, I titled these soothing paintings, "Where Dreams Await". I hope they’ll inspire your creative dreams!


In total, Mini Abstracts has over 3 hours of high-quality, beautifully shot videos. I show and explain everything in detail, and I encourage you to make the process yours and work with what you’ve got. If you've ever taken a class with me, you know I like to keep it clear and super inspiring!

The class is in English with English closed captions available.

Why working
in a series

is one of THE BEST ways to learn, improve and boost your confidence!

Laly Mille artist holding handmade card with "work in a series" painting prompt.
Series of 4 green mixed media abstract paintings on table with art supplies.

Grow your skills

Whenever you come across something you like, you can repeat it to anchor your discoveries and make them part of your style.

Laly Mille artist painting a mixed media abstract series of hilly landscapes with soft colors.

Get Unstuck quick!

Whenever you get stuck, you can quickly switch from one piece to the next, and get back in the flow!

Tiny mixed media abstract painting in pink with blue heart collage.


Working on small substrates is super forgiving and approachable: it’s just a bit of paper and paint!

A whole body of work

Every time, you’ll end up with a whole body of work to be proud of!

what Students said:

“I love the way you’ve designed this course with these lessons that actually produce little pieces of art, and at the same time we are learning so much.


“Laly, I can’t express how much I’m learning in each class. Every one is so inspirational and I’m honored to be in them. I surely look at color differently now.”


I love my little pieces and feel so SATISFIED!!! I have learned to be inspired by what I am attracted to and how to make it my own. If I am ever “stuck” I have a very powerful tool.”



Happy students & their art!

Vintage blue butterfly icon with paint dots.

Recommended Supplies

 Below is a list of recommended mixed media supplies for the class. A more detailed supplies list with shopping links will be available in the classroom after you join. These are only suggestions and I encourage you to work with your favorite colors and materials to make your paintings uniquely yours!


Basic tools:

  • Heavy watercolor paper (300gsm / 140lb or more) cut into small squares

  • Masking tape

  • A board (wood, cardboard...) to tape your paper squares

  • A few paint brushes in various sizes, including a flat one for collage

  • Other painting tools like a palette knife, plastic card, brayer

  • Some mark-making tools like bubble wrap, stencils & stamps

Mixed media materials:

  • Matte gel medium or other glue of your choice

  • White Gesso

  • Paper in neutral tones (junk mail, book pages, sheet music)

  • Paper in colors of your choice (tissue, wrapping paper, printed napkin, magazines)

  • Acrylic paints (heavy body or fluid)

  • Pens & pencils of your choice

Other materials you might enjoy:

  • Acrylic and/or alcohol inks

  • Watersoluble pencils/crayons like Neocolor 2, Stabilo All, Stabilo Woodies, Inktense…

  • Permanent pens & markers: Pitt Artist pens, Posca/Molotow pens

  • Craft heat gun to speed up the drying time

  • Spray bottle

Your Guide
for this creative journey

I’m so glad you’re here! I’m Laly, a mixed media artist from France, and I’m here to help you grow your artist wings!

Experimenting with abstract art and working in a series have been so important in developing my personal style and getting better at my art. I know it can do the same for you and I can't wait to show you how!

What if you listened to your creative longings? 
What if you dared to follow this little spark?

I believe with my whole heart that YOUR ART MATTERS. It’s your gift to the world, and now’s your time to let it shine!

 You may have seen me in

Laly Mille in her art studio sitting at table with pink laptop.

 Your Questions Answered

If you don’t find an answer below, don’t hesitate to reach out by email at My husband William & I will do our best to help!


I've never painted or tried mixed media before. I can't even draw a straight line! Can I really do this class?

Yes! The beauty of abstract art is that it’s a very forgiving and approachable style perfect for absolute beginners! You don’t need to know how to draw or paint. You just need to be willing to play!

I don’t have a lot of art supplies. Will I need to spend hundreds of dollars on paints, brushes and collage materials?

No! I believe you can make beautiful art even if you’re not buying premium art supplies. Many of the materials I’m suggesting for this class can be found in magazines, scraps of fabric, images you print from the web, etc.

I’m an experienced artist. Will there be anything I can learn from this class?

Absolutely! What you’ll find in my classes is a fellow artist sharing every detail of her authentic process. It will help you loosen up and reconnect to the pure joy of making art while discovering some of my best tips and techniques that I use all the time as a professional artist. And it’s also about taking time for YOU, to relax and nurture your creative soul.

  • First, make sure to add, and to your email contacts, to make sure that messages for the class safely reach your inbox.

    You’ll first receive a confirmation email as soon as you sign up.

    Then you’ll receive your login instructions shortly after registration, together with an invitation to join the Facebook group. Please make sure to keep this email for future reference.

    Login instructions will be sent to the email you used during registration. If you need to update your contact email after check-out, you can do so by clicking on the "preferences" link at the bottom of any of our emails or by writing to William at

    If it's the first time you’re taking one of my classes, you’ll be prompted to create a password for your account. If you’re a returning student, the class will be automatically added to your existing member account, provided that you’ve used the same email address when registering.

  • You can check the price conversion with online tools such as It fluctuates slightly from day to day. You'll see the correct price in your own currency at checkout on Paypal or Stripe.

  • No. All sales are final. When you sign up, you immediately get access to the whole content of the class. Therefore, no refunds will be issued after you register. Please make sure you understand and agree to our terms of service and our privacy policy before signing up.

    In particular, before you register, please make sure that your internet connection allows you to smoothly stream high-resolution videos online. The videos are not downloadable and we're not responsible for individual technical issues. No refunds will be made.

    If any unexpected life issue prevents you from taking the class as you’d planned, remember that you have lifetime access and the class will be available for you whenever you’re ready. If you don’t think you’ll ever be able to take the class you purchased, contact us and we can discuss transferring it to a friend. No refunds will be made.

  • I’m a self-taught artist and a certified creativity coach, and I teach in a heart-centered, non-academic way. You’ll see me in action and will be guided to explore your own world, inside and out. All my classes aim at bringing you closer to your most authentic creative voice.The workshops are full of my personal techniques, some I’ve learned and pass on in my own ways, others I’ve discovered through happy accidents and experimentation.

    The workshops are full of my personal techniques, some I’ve learned and pass on in my own ways, others I’ve discovered through happy accidents and experimentation.

    I also offer plenty of creative tips and strategies to make your practice unique, overcome your blocks and challenge yourself to gently expand your comfort zone.

    To know if a class will be the right fit for you, trust your intuition. If it feels exciting and stirs your curiosity, if it resonates in a way that feels really good, that feels like joy, like home, or like a big good sigh and a smile... then it most certainly is for you. Let your inner artist guide you!

    To know if a class will be the right fit for you, trust your intuition. If it feels exciting and stirs your curiosity, if it resonates in a way that feels really good, that feels like joy, like home, or like a big good sigh and a smile... then it most certainly is for you. Let your inner artist guide you!

    If, on the other hand, you’re looking only for technical instructions, or for an academic class where you submit work and get detailed feedback and critique, then this is not the right place.

    If you’re not comfortable with words like soul, intuition, intention, mindfulness, affirmation, magic, or if seeing me draw an oracle card for inspiration makes you cringe… then my classes are probably not for you.

    When in doubt, I encourage you to start with one of my free lessons to see if my teaching style resonates with you. Please note that refunds will not be made after registration for a paid class.

  • My classes are e-courses, hosted online, and members get an individual, private account to access all their classes on my teaching platform.

    All classes are self-study and self-paced. They’re not academic classes. There are no assignments to submit, no grades, no schedule, no certificates of completion, no live conferences. There’s no schedule to comply with, no “catching up” or “falling behind”, ever. They’re simply a space of freedom and creativity for you to explore and enjoy.

    Most classes have lifetime access (as per our terms of service, "lifetime" means for the lifetime of the program). The videos are pre-recorded, so you can watch them at your own pace, whenever you want, and as many times as you wish. It’s up to you to find the rhythm that suits you best. Make time regularly to complete your course. It’s a gift you’re giving yourself!

  • For most of my classes, you get lifetime access to the classroom and videos. "Lifetime" technically means for the lifetime of the program. If we were to retire a course (which so far has never happened), we’d give you several months' notice so you have plenty of time to complete the lessons. You can watch the videos within the classroom as often and as many times as you wish.

    To protect the integrity of our content (and all the work that went into creating it) the videos are not downloadable. Therefore, before signing up, please make sure that your internet connection allows you to smoothly stream high-resolution videos online. Refunds will not be made after registration.

  • Yes. We have a private community forum within the classroom site where I check in once a week to answer questions and see what you’ve shared! Of course, I also do my best to offer as much information as possible within the class videos, text and other resources. Don’t hesitate to watch twice and pause the videos! The other participants will also be able to help you.

    Please keep in mind that the classroom site is the place where all the teaching takes place. I won’t answer individual questions by email or direct messaging, nor in the Facebook group. The Classroom Community forum is accessible directly from within the menu of the classes.

  • Of course! We have the most vibrant, positive and encouraging online community, and we can't wait to welcome you!

    You can share photos of what you create and connect with others in the Classroom Community forum within the classroom site.

    You can also connect with fellow participants of all my classes in our private, optional Facebook group “Laly’s Atelier”.

    We also have Instagram hashtags to help participants find each other on this platform.


A summary of what you’ll get

Gentle guidance and lots of my personal techniques to play with.

Packaged up in 3+ hrs of high-quality video lessons, you’ll get lots of specific techniques I use to create abstract art I adore.

The videos are in English and English closed captions are available.

My self-taught artist roots mean you won’t find any dry or technical art language here!

I have a heart-centered, non-academic teaching style perfect for beginners all the way to experienced artists. This class is all about your own pleasure and creative fulfillment.

Respark your inner creative fire.

If you’re new, returning to art after a break or just need a boost of inspiration, Mini Abstracts will be your beacon of light.

With instant, lifetime access you can jump in straight away or come back any time you need inspiration.

Feel part of a creative community.

When you join you'll get access to our private community forum right within the classroom site, where I check in every week. You're welcome to ask questions and share your work, and myself and the other participants will support you!


Register Now!

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Self-paced Online Art Class    Instant, Lifetime Access    Private Community Forum


All sales are final and no refunds will be made.

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