Photo shoot!
It’s been a busy week in the studio!
Tuesday was quite the turning point, as we closed enrollment for Flower Flow and opened its brand new classroom to the students! We managed to get everything ready a day early, so it was really fun to surprise them. I am so looking forward to seeing what they will paint!
Creating this class has been a true labor of love, and a bit of a marathon as well: the past 3 months have been 200% dedicated to it, painting, filming, taking pictures, editing photos and videos, sharing, writing… busy days, weeks, weekends… what a ride.
Not only that, but at the same time I’ve been getting ready for a live show that starts in the first week of September! So all I’ve created lately, in and outside of Flower Flow, had to be art you can hang on a wall. I’m thrilled about this new body of work, but the truth is, I can hardly wait to get back to my art journals! They have been sorely neglected and very much missed. I long to make art “just for me”, and “just because”… So I think the rest of the year will be journal, journal, journal! (plus I’ve got some big news in that department, which I’m not allowed to share for a few more weeks… stay tuned!)
art journals waiting to play!
So Tuesday was the turning point, and now I can feel myself slowing down, and at the same time wanting to catch up on so many things! Wednesday was a reunion with my high school best friend, we hadn’t seen each other in three years and that felt so good. Then on Thursday (yesterday), my new photographer Christelle came for the very first photo shoot in my “new” studio! It’s been over two years already since we moved into our lovely old home, and it’s high time I got some beautiful photos of my creative space, especially since I completely reorganized it a few months ago (see the makeover HERE and HERE). I cannot wait to see Christelle’s pictures!
painting… big!
Christelle’s visit was a great opportunity to make some art in front of the camera! I had a background ready with book pages and gesso on a big canvas (1 square meter) which had been lying around the studio for months. It was waiting for some roses to bloom! So during the photo shoot I started some colorful layers with paints, inks, crayons and a touch of gold: just like that, a new painting is on its way! It’s far from done, but I love its energy at this stage, so I’m probably going to keep it this way for a while. Until Christelle’s pictures are ready, here are a few I took this morning:

back to the journal!
I wanted photos that not only show my studio, but also what is most important to me in my creative practice. So apart from canvases, of course we had to take out my art journals! I even started a new little page (below). In fact, this is the first spread I’m doing in a smaller, very special journal… I’m a little bit obsessed with this one at the moment, and I will tell you about it soon! I’m so thrilled that I now have the time to play in its pages, and I’ll definitely take it with me on vacation next week (so looking forward to that too, hello Brittany!).
When I get back, I’m thinking of re-opening The Artist & the Journal, my main art journaling class. I’ve had so many requests for it, and I know it would push me to dive deeper into my journals (and hopefully finish one before the New Year!). It’s always so motivating to do it alongside other creatives, perfect for a “back to school” kind of project.
Find out about The Artist & the Journal below. To be notified when it opens, put your name on the waiting list :
Until then, I have tons of free art journaling resources and inspiration for you to enjoy!

Alright! A sweet mess is waiting on my art table, so I’d better get going!
I wish you an inspired and creative day!
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