In the chrysalis

I’m finally checking in after what feels like ages because “normal” times feel so far away. And yet our quiet little daily life hasn’t changed that much, since we were working from home already, and William has quite happily put the homeschooling hat back on. But it’s more about “something in the air”. The energy of our world has shifted, is shifting, and it feels strange and blurry but also intriguing and mysterious.

My own energy feels fuzzy and fluctuating as well, with moments of brilliant ideas and enthusiasm for new projects, quickly followed by stand-still moments when I just catch myself gazing blankly through the window and just feel so so tired. That’s just the way it is right now and I’m sure many of you are experiencing your own version of it, so just know that it’s normal and totally ok.


There are things growing within our souls right now. Future projects and decisions are quietly maturing under the surface. Even if I don’t really know what is going on deep within, even if I don’t have words for it, or even images, even though it feels muddy and uncomfortable, I can feel that I am recalibrating and realigning with my truth. I am becoming more and more aware of things I need to let go of, things that are no longer right for me, “stuff” that has been weighing me down without me even realizing, because I was so busy moving forward and getting things done.

Once again, my favorite symbol, the butterfly, is teaching and supporting me. Did you know that caterpillars completely dissolve into a kind of “soup” within their cocoon except for some “imaginal discs” that hold the whole magic of their future butterfly selves? So I guess I’m in “soup” mode right now, as are many of us, but what if we trusted the cycles of life, with full faith that something magical and beautiful will emerge in the end? Knowing and trusting this brings me a sense of peace.


Something else that supports me at this time is my word of the year, Focus, and the images I’m sharing today are from an art journal page inspired by it. So much inner guidance and wisdom shows up when I create in my art journal, and it feels really helpful, like a real life-saver some days! “Focus” is the perfect word for me right now, to allow myself to let go of what is not in alignment, and also to set better boundaries when I feel pulled into the drama of other people’s fears and stress, which has happened quite a bit more than usual lately. If this happens to you too, just know it’s ok to say no, it’s ok to protect yourself, your energy, your heart, your soul. It’s ok to not be everything to everyone, to not please everyone, to stand by your values and life choices without guilt or shame, and to be firm and close the door when someone tries to drag you into the negative energy that they are battling with. It doesn’t mean you’re not compassionate, but their drama is not yours to carry.


Lastly, the other thing that really supports me is of course… art! I haven’t been creating much except in my art journal, which feels like such a safe haven right now, but I know that ideas are bubbling under the surface and I’m feeling at long last my love of portraits coming back! I’ve reorganized my inspiration boards accordingly, and in an effort to support our creative economy (what a good excuse to indulge ourselves), I’ve signed up for several online art classes for the first time in a long long time! I’m also revisiting some classes I had purchased years ago (thank goodness for lifetime access and password recovery!) and I’m excited to see where all of this will take me…


I would love to find out about the things that support YOU at the moment, so please leave a comment for me and tell me about your favorite symbol, your word of the year, any creative practice that help you daily… and let’s inspire each other!


And if, like me, you feel that art journaling would be good for your soul, I have gathered all my free art journaling resources, videos etc. for you on THIS PAGE. And my online class The Artist & the Journal is open for those of you who are ready to dive deeper!

I believe, more than ever, that art and creativity matter very very much. Your art, our art is a gift to the world. There will always be times of distress, like contrast in a painting, and it can be hard to keep shining our light at such times, but I do believe that for us creative souls, there is no better place to be at the moment than in our art spaces, our happy places, making magic with our brushes and paints, or whatever your own tools and your own kind of magic are, bringing beauty and love into the world through the art we create. So keep creating!

sending you so much Light & Love,

The Artist & the Journal

now open!

Join me for a unique journey into painting and art journaling and grow your wings from page to canvas!


Little pockets of inspiration


The Magic of four