Let light back in
Today is the shortest of the year, tonight will be the longest night, and tomorrow, light will come back, and will start growing again, a little bit more every day.
This turning point in the year is always a very special time for me. It's an opportunity to reflect on all that has unfolded in the past year, give thanks for all the good things, as well as the seemingly "not-so-good", that have made me grow and love.
All of them are gifts.
It's also a time of hope and joy, a time to set intentions and make wishes for the brand new year that awaits, full of surprises and possibility...
What if you took this time to pause, remember, hope and celebrate?
What if you made time to create art that honors your journey?
What if you opened your heart to welcome light back in?
Lovely Ways to celebrate
Nowadays it feels like the world is more than ever in need of Light, of Peace, of Wisdom, of Joy, of Trust...
So I'd like to invite you to take a moment and think how you could celebrate the return of Light in a creative and meaningful way...
Go for a "gratitude walk" in nature
Make a piece of jewelry or a talisman
Dress in light colors
Add a bit of glitter to your hair or make-up
Draw a personal symbol of light on your wrist
Invite a friend to paint together
Read a light-filled story to a child
Write a poem
Put up fairy-lights in your house.......
(Cards: the Wildwood Tarot)
How about carving out a little bit of time, on your own or with loved ones, to light a candle, express gratitude for all the the gifts you have received this past year, for the insights you have gained through the contrast and shadows, for all that you have learned about yourself, all the Beauty you have found around you and within you... And then make a wish (or many!), with childlike Joy in your heart, blow the candle and watch your wishes rise towards the stars...
Please share your ideas, however big or small, here in the comments and let's inspire each other!
If you'd like to explore Light further in 2017 while creating delightful and soothing mixed media art, there are just a few seats left for the upcoming session of my online class Layers of Light: join us HERE!