Where Wishes Bloom


I have been working on two more unfinished paintings this week, and here is my latest piece! (I’ll share the other one soon). It feels really good to see all those half-painted canvases that have been lying around the studio for aaaaages, finally take shape and come to completion.


If you’ve been following my blog these past months, you might remember that my β€œword of the year” is Focus, and honestly, it may not be the most poetic or glamorous word, but of all the β€œwotys” I’ve been working with year after year, this one is proving to be so incredibly helpful: It helps me set goals and stick with them day after day (finish those artworks, write my blog, send out my weekly newsletter…) as well as see the bigger picture and make better decisions, like new collaborations or the recent big changes to my teaching platform.

When you focus on what you truly really want, what deeply matters to your heart, what feels in alignment, it’s easier to move forward and let go of the rest.


In the troubled times we’ve been through lately, this one little word has helped me keep going when I could so easily have stayed paralyzed in fear and anxiety. Above all, it reminds me of this simple but powerful truth: What we focus on, grows. I know it deep down and have experienced it countless times but it can be so easy to forget it and let ourselves be dragged down into negativity. 

My friend Tam of Willowing Arts talks about it this week in the intro to her new collaborative course, Kaleidoscope 2020 where she has invited me to teach: As humans we have a negativity bias, which I used to call β€œthought gravity” before I learned it actually has a name… This survival mechanism means that our brains naturally pay more attention or give more importance to the negative. It’s meant to protect us from danger, but if we want to truly live this life, and not just β€œsurvive”, it takes conscious effort to see and honor all that is good, beautiful, positive and magical in our world. And there’s plenty! I agree with Tam that we need to consciously β€œcompensate” for the negative (which doesn’t mean that we should deny it) by cultivating joy and appreciation for all the little and big gifts in our lives. Dedicating time to our creativity is one way to do it!


I like to think of each little bloom in this painting as a wish coming true. Often in stories you can only make three wishes (and beware if you dare to wish for more wishes!). You can make a wish on special occasions, like when you blow your birthday candle, see a shooting star or a rainbow, but you’re not supposed to tell what it is. And what if you make the wrong one, β€œbe careful what you wish for”, they say… But you know what? If you think about it, none of that is actually true! You can make as many wishes as you like, as often as you like! You don’t need to wait for special occasions and you’re allowed to share them with your loved ones or even shout them on the roof tops! This can actually give you some accountability and help you make them happen. Think about your wishes, dream about them and work towards them every single day. You’re even allowed to change your mind, let go of some of them or tweak them along the way: they are your wishes after all! The most important part is to open your mind, and your heart, so you can allow yourself to receive them.


What we focus on, grows. So let’s remember to nurture our dreams and cultivate gratitude for all the good things that already exist in our lives. This way they will grow and bloom!

If you feel ready for a good dose of positivity and creativity right now, the Free Taster Week for Kaleidoscope 2020 might be just what you need! Tam has prepared some fun, inspiring and beautiful art sessions and there are also some giveaways. It’s completely free and I hope you will join us!

light and love,

PS: This painting will be available for purchase during the online Handmade Holiday Event hosted by Stephanie Gagos at the end of the year. Subscribe to my email newsletter to stay in the loop!


By a Lady


Light & love