We are light-bearers

There isn't much I want to say today. But there is much I wish to feel:

Love. Peace. Healing. Protection. Forgiveness. Hope. Light.

What if we all made up our minds once and for all to embrace the light that burns inside of us?

What if we cared for it and fiercely protected it?

What if we let go of all the darkness and fear, the anger and judgement, especially towards ourselves?

What if we opened our eyes and realized how much beauty and wonder lies in our every breath, our every heartbeat?

What if we embraced our gifts and accepted our bigness for the blessing that it is?

What if we were brave enough to shine our light as brightly as it deserves, and light the way for others to follow?

What if we chose to be Light-Bearers in this world?

I am. Are you?

Guardian of Dawn - Mixed media painting on paper and wood Ā© 2015 Laly Mille

Guardian of Dusk - Mixed media painting on paper and wood Ā© 2015 Laly Mille

Light, Love, Peace


Love messengers


In the Flow