Art journal love
The past few days have been a little strange over here in Laly-land, with plenty of ups and downs, exciting new projects and difficult challenges (the hardest one being that my sweet grandma had a stroke). At times like these, I try to remember that in life, just as in art, there is always contrast. In every painting must be some dark for the light to really shine.
And at times like these, it feels so good to turn to my art journal, to simply play and let go, let things unfold on their own.
I often say that my journal is a sacred space, a faithful companion and a delightful playground all at once. And it’s true, because it allows me to safely express any thoughts, feelings, emotions, dreams and wishes.
Often I also feel like it’s a conversation, where I receive as much as I create. As though my bigger self, my inner artist, and the little girl who lives within my heart can speak to me, give me guidance and support.
And above all, it always brings me back to a place of joy and playfulness. And love.
Art journaling is probably the self-care practice that comes most naturally to me, the one where I really take this time for me. It can be so easy to forget to take care of yourself and protect the little bubble of peace and joy that keeps you safe. Especially when others shamelessly try to trample your boundaries and demand that you pay attention to them first. Or simply when some things in life get really really hard.
Yet it is all part of life, and every challenge carries within itself new seeds of possibility, especially when you commit to growing your wings and rising towards your dreams and your truth, no matter what.
“Every challenge carries within itself new seeds of possibility, especially when you commit to growing your wings and rising towards your dreams and your truth, no matter what.”
That’s where love comes in. Love brings back the light. Love can transform anything.
But you must not wait for it to come from someone, somewhere outside of you. Love first comes from deep within. It pulses at the heart of every cell in your body, and it’s up to you to open up, allow it into your life, nurture it and trust it.
That’s what my journal has been telling me this week. And indeed amidst the challenges, some joyful new projects and opportunities have shown up! Love always finds a way.
I hope you take super good care of yourself, of the precious human being that you are, and I really encourage you to make art journaling a part of your self-care practice. If you have never tried art journaling before, check out THIS PAGE where I share plenty of free resources, and give it a try! And if you do have an art journal already, then I hope this will be a little nudge for you to spend some relaxing time playing in it today.
I’m also super excited to let you know that the next group session of my online class The Artist & the Journal opens next month! If you’d like to explore this beautiful creative practice with the support of a loving community, then make sure to put your name on the waiting list to be notified when I open the doors.
And if you’ve taken the class already, stay tuned because I will also be releasing a new set of art journaling lessons. Happy journaling and see you online very soon!
light and love,
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Join me as I share my favorite mixed media art supplies and my best tips in this FREE 5-day video workshop!