New art class
I can hardly believe it’s been almost a month since my last blog post! I have been so busy filming my new class Soulful Abstracts and since I know many of you are eagerly waiting for it, I think it’s high time I give you a little update!
I'm still in the process of filming the class and oh my goodness it's going to be fantastic! I'm completely in love with how the art projects are unfolding. I'm trying not to plan too much ahead and keep things very spontaneous... so far so good!
Here is a tiny sneak peek at the projects I have been filming these past weeks!
We start the class with lots of inspiration warm-ups and experimentations in a workbook. We create an inspiration board, explore our personal palette, our symbols and signature mark-making. We get messy with plenty of texture and more intentional with composition tips and decision-making…
The cover of our workbook gets the abstract treatment!
Uncovering our personal palette…
Texture experiments…
Paper, cheesecloth, gesso and inks…
Exploring shapes, symbols and mark-making, occasionally with our non-dominant hand…
Mini series & big paintings
Along the way we are going to create 1, 2, 3… 4 series of mini artworks to really anchor everything we’ve learned.

Here is a closer look at some of them:
This series is all about texture…
…and it all starts with plaster, gesso and a teabag!
This other one is all about mark-making…
…and it all starts with creating a whole stash or unique papers!
This other one is about using composition to tell our stories while opening up to serendipity!
And in the final part of the class, we are going to the next level with bigger projects on canvas. I am in the process of filming this part so can’t share any pics yet but… spoiler alert! I will be teaching a project that so many of you have requested, it’s my most-viewed video on Youtube… I’m talking about the Landscapes of Intention!
Here is the video (it dates back to those times when I didn’t do actual video and only knew how to take pictures and create a slideshow… how things change!)
If I manage to stay on schedule (fingers & toes crossed), registration will open at the end of the month and class will start in July (dates to be announced). As always, the class will have lifetime access so there's no rush to actually do it in July if it doesn't fit into your summer schedule: This is going to be a class to savor and take your time with...
Get on the wait list!
If you haven't already, I invite you to join my community and put your name on the wait list to get first dibs when registration opens + receive an exclusive Early Bird discount!
NB: Seats will be limited
I love love love how this class is unfolding, so much magic is happening and I can’t wait to share more with you soon!
Light & Love,
I’d love to hear from you!