Laly Mille • Mixed Media & Art Journaling Online Classes

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Soulful Abstracts Book List

Book list & more

Soulful Abstracts

Mixed media art class

On this page you will find the books I’m mentioning in the class and a few other ones that I think could be a nice complement for those of you who would like to take things a few steps further! At the bottom of the page you will also find some beautiful card decks that inspire me.

* Clicking the images below will take you to the Amazon shop for your region when available (affiliate links) *


In the Mood for Color by Hans Blomquist

Abstract Painting by Jane Davies

If You Can Doodle You Can Paint by Diane Culhane

The Simple Secret to Better Painting by Greg Albert

Sketchbook Explorations, by Shelley Rhodes

Drawn to Stitch by Gwen Hedley

Stitch Stories by Cas Holmes

Bella Grace Magazine

Incite 1 - Dreams Realized

Incite 2 - Color Passions

Incite 3 - The Art of Storytelling

Incite 4 - Relax Restore Renew

Inspiration cards

Oracle decks, affirmation cards and tarot cards are part of my personal “art ritual” to get inspiration flowing and support me in my creative practice! I love how they combine beautiful images and inspiring words, and bring an element of magic to my space.

There are so many beautiful cards out there and I encourage you to find the ones that resonate with your soul. Below are a few that speak to me:

Connected & Free Oracle deck, by Inner Hue. These are the cards I’m using throughout the class.

The Universe Has Your Back, by Gabrielle Bernstein

Power Thought Cards by Louise Hay